• info@howardcountymuseum.org

  • 1200 West Sycamore, Kokomo,
    Indiana 46901

  • (765) 452-4314

IU Kokomo at the
Seiberling Mansion

New Project

HCHS is launching a history project to capture the personal stories and experiences of students who were involved with the IU Kokomo Extension Center at the Seiberling Mansion.

Were you or someone you know involved with the Extension Center? We are looking for stories, photographs, and artifacts from this time period!



Anyone who attended classes at the IU Kokomo Extension Center at the Seiberling Mansion (1947-1965) is welcome to participate.


Please fill out the online survey below. You can also download a pdf version and bring the survey into the office.

Photographs & Artifacts

We need photographs and artifacts related to the Seiberling Mansion while it was the IU Kokomo Extension Center.


Call the HCHS office at 765-451-4314, email the curatorial staff, or complete the contact form.

IUK at the Seiberling


In 1946, IU purchased the Seiberling Mansion along with the adjacent Elliott House and carriage houses. The Seiberling Mansion served as Indiana University’s Kokomo Extension Center from 1947 to 1965, until the campus moved to Washington Street. The Extension Center was led by directors Virgil Hunt, Smith Higgins, and Victor Bogle. In 1971, IU leased the mansion to the Howard County Historical Society to be used as a museum, with the university retaining ownership until 1997.