• info@howardcountymuseum.org

  • 1200 West Sycamore, Kokomo,
    Indiana 46901

  • (765) 452-4314

Voices of Pandemic and Protest

Voices of Pandemic and Protest

We invite you to add your voice as we work to identify, collect and preserve stories and objects that illuminate your experiences in Howard County, Indiana, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movement in 2020 and beyond. Your contribution will provide valuable information for the Howard County Historical Society, future researchers and future residents to look back and understand this historic moment from a variety of perspectives.

See more on the Voices project site.

Let us hear your voice ... Form to Share your Interview by Text

Or, to schedule a video interview session or to learn more about the project, send a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Resources and Forms

Deed of Gift (All ages)

Informed Consent (All ages)

Under 18 (Required for individuals under the age of 18)